Search below for answers to the most commonly asked questions about Heroes for Hope and the Mission Map. If you cannot find the answer to your question, contact your hospital development coordinator.
Table of Contents
Cast Your Bat Signal (media and social media)
How do I get a personalized registration link for my organization?
What do I do with photos I take at my organization's events?
How do I receive news coverage of my organization's participation in Heroes for Hope?
Save the City (reach your community)
Call on Your Sidekick (friends and family)
How can staff email their friends and family with the organization's personal registration link?
How do I learn about donation? See the PowerPoint and complete the quiz here.
What is Heroes for Hope?
Heroes for Hope is an outreach campaign organized by Donor Network of Arizona (DNA), the state's federally-designated, nonprofit organ procurement organization and tissue and ocular recovery organization. Each April during National Donate Life Month, hospital, health care and emergency response organizations throughout the state join together with the common goal to save and heal lives through organ, eye and tissue donor registration.
In April 2020, organizations throughout the state will join together for a common cause - saving and healing lives through organ, eye and tissue donation. To get your organization involved, click here.
There are more than 1,900 people in Arizona waiting to receive a lifesaving transplant. By registering as an organ, eye and tissue donor, you can stand for generosity and provide hope for those awaiting the gift of life.
More than 880 people registered as an organ, eye and tissue donor for the first time during Heroes for Hope 2019.
Collaboration among Arizona's health care and emergency professionals to increase the number of registered donors on the DonateLifeAZ Registry can mean fewer deaths on the organ transplant waiting list and improved quality of life for those waiting to receive a tissue or cornea transplant.
How can I be successful in this campaign and receive recognition?
The easiest way to track your success in the Heroes for Hope campaign is through the Mission Map. This game board outlines activities your organization can do throughout National Donate Life Month this April to succeed in Heroes for Hope. Organizations that participate will be recognized at a future DNA event for the registrations they receive and the levels they reach on the game board.
What is a kickoff meeting?
Have a meeting with everyone working on Heroes for Hope at your organization to kick off the challenge and decide on your strategy for National Donate Life Month. All initial registration table and flag-raising forms are due by Thursday, March 12, so don’t delay!
How do I know how many registrations my organization has?
All totals will be updated regularly based on cards received and processed, as well as online registrations tracked through the organization’s personalized registration link. To check in throughout the month, view our dashboard here.
Please mail in all completed registration cards as soon as possible in order for us to have updated and accurate counts. Use the pre-addressed envelopes included in your supplies. Send registration cards, well-labeled with your specific organization name on the envelope to:
Donor Network of Arizona
Attn: Blake Loyland
201 W. Coolidge
Phoenix, AZ 85013
All cards must be postmarked by Monday, May 4.
How do I submit registration cards?
Please mail in all completed registration cards as soon as possible in order for us to have updated and accurate counts. Use the pre-addressed envelopes included in your supplies. Send registration cards, well-labeled with your specific organization name on the envelope to:
Donor Network of Arizona
Attn: Blake Loyland
201 W. Coolidge
Phoenix, AZ 85013
All cards must be postmarked by Monday, May 4.
What is the Mission Map, and how do I get it?
The Mission Map is the best way to track your success throughout the month. Each five squares you check off will move your organization to the next award level: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. To use the game board, please ensure you are registered for Heroes for Hope here.
How does my organization mark off activities on the Mission Map?
Complete activities listed on the squares throughout the month of April and cross them off when you are done. Be sure to get a picture or screenshot as proof of completion. You do not need to report individual square completion. Once the month is over, you will submit a completed board.
When do I report a completed square?
You do not need to report individual square completion. Once April is over, you will submit a completed Mission Map.
How do I get a personalized registration link for my organization?​
DNA will create a personalized registration link for all organizations who have registered here to participate in Heroes for Hope. Links will be sent out by March 21. If you have not received your link by then, please reach out to your Donor Network of Arizona coordinator.
*Don’t have a coordinator? Email Miranda.Reddy@dnaz.org.
What do I do with photos I take at my organization's events?
Take photos of staff and those registering and having fun. Send them to Miranda.Reddy@dnaz.org throughout the month to potentially see them highlighted on DNA's social media, and share them on your organization's social media! Then mark off your square!
How do I receive news coverage of my organization's participation in Heroes for Hope?
Contact DNA’s Media Relations Coordinator, Nico Santos, at Nico.Santos@dnaz.org to request assistance with media and public relations efforts. There are also talking points available for download here. News coverage is a great way to spread the message of donation further and highlight your organization's participation.
We understand that news schedules change frequently and cannot always guarantee coverage. In order to complete this square, we simply need proof that your organization attempted to contact media and have coverage.
Save the City
How do I submit a registration table or flag-raising form?
Visit the forms tab here and click “Complete Form” under the form you would like to submit. Click “Register Now” and then fill out all fields. Click “Submit” and your form will be submitted. All initial forms are due by Thursday, March 12. If you have changes to your event after you complete your initial form, simply fill out the Change Form with any changes and, based on available resources, DNA will meet your change form request.
How do I hold a registration table?
A registration table is a fun way to get out in your organization and encourage staff and visitors to register as organ, eye and tissue donors. Suggested times are provided on the Registration Table form here. Complete the form to receive supplies and support for your table.
How do I submit a photo and quote from leadership to receive a digital support poster?
Visit the forms tab here to submit a photo and quote from the CEO or leadership member of your organization. Once you have submitted this information, DNA will create a digital file that will be emailed to you within two weeks. Display the poster online, on digital displays around your organization, or print it out and hang it up.
How do I hold a flag-raising ceremony?
Flag-raising ceremonies are a great opportunity to bring together an entire organization to hear a story of donation and raise a flag in honor of all those who have given the gift of life and all those who are lucky enough to have received that gift. Complete the Flag-Raising form here to receive supplies and support for your event. Once your event date has been confirmed, you can use the flag-raising script here.
Call on Your Sidekick
Call on Your Sidekick
Call on Your Sidekick
How can staff email their friends and family with the organization's custom registration link?​
Staff can use the sample email found here to send their friends and family a message encouraging them to register to save lives as an organ, eye and tissue donor. Be sure to use your organization's link in your email. Every new registration that comes through your organization’s link counts!
How do I learn about donation?​
Visit the resources page here and download the donation PowerPoint. Take the quiz at the end of the PowerPoint to test your knowledge.
Make Your Own Mission

When is National Blue and Green Day and how do I participate?
National Blue and Green Day, on Friday, April 17, 2020, is an annual celebration to show off your Donate Life colors (blue and green) and celebrate the gift of organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation. There are a variety of ways to celebrate, from something as simple as decorating with blue and green, wearing the colors and providing treats for attendees to using the digital and printable materials available here to show your support.